
I wish I could say we had an extraordinary love, but that would be a lie. We had a relationship other people were jealous of, of course, but it was nothing extraordinary. We never walked without holding each others hand, we always laughed together as if it was our last, we’ve spent nights talking about…

What’s wrong with ‘other girls’?

Have you ever said “እኔ እንደሌሎች ሴቶች አይደለሁም“ or been told ‘አንቺ እንደሌሎች ሴቶች አይደለሽም’? I am guilty of saying it when I was younger: “I just get on better alone”, “I’m not really like other girls” were pretty much my chants. I felt like I had to position myself against the girly stereotype to…

ሌላ ቀን

“ደህና አደርሽ?” ሞቅ ባለ ድምጽ ጠየቀኝ፡፡ ካጎነበስኩበት በፍጥነት ቀና አልኩ፡፡ የምሰራበትን ጠረጴዛ ተደግፎ ወደታች እያያኝ ነው፡፡ ከንፈሮቹን በስሱ ከፈት አድርጎ ፈገግ ብሏል፡፡ ለኔ የሰጠኝ ስሜት ግን ከፈገግታ በላይ ነበር፡፡ ሚቋረጥ በማይመስል የደስታ ጎርፍ ውስጤ ሲጥለቀለቅ ተሰማኝ፡፡ ሳላስብበት መልሼ ፈገግ አልኩለት ለጥያቄው ግን አልመለስኩለትም፡፡ አይኖቻችን በተገናኙ ቁጥር ልቤን፣ ደረቴን ሆዴን አላውቅም ብቻ ያመኛል የስቃይ ህመም ግን…

Smile Zone

There’s something in the way he smiles and laughs at my lame jokes and clumsiness and it’s honestly such poetry, watching him laugh. It’s like the weight of the world is lifted off your shoulders. So I laughed, and he said, “What’s so funny?” And I said, “Nothing, you just make me so happy that…

Unmotivated Post

Why I don’t watch motivational videos, attend motivational events, or nod my head to motivational quotes. *It is understandable if you are not motivated to read this unmotivating post. 1. Motivational stuff does not teach you or tell you how to do this or that, small starts and hard work are not included. They tell…

Hurt Each Other and Call It Love.

Because I love you, I shouldn’t tell you this, but I gave all your pajamas to the laundry, all at once, even knowing you won’t have anything else to wear. Also, I gave you coffee even knowing you’re trying to quit. and I put your keys on the bed and forgot about it even knowing…

Ruth, is that you?

“Sometimes I think I’d like to start again,” she says. “I would go someplace far away where no one knew my name.” “I could dye my hair blue or pink or completely white, and change my name to Ruth. I’d pack my favorite pillow and a case full of cash and I swear I wouldn’t…

Maybe both. Maybe neither.

She was really sad. She didn’t know why exactly. Maybe she was realizing how much time she lost to being sad. She still thinks of how it ended, that it still colors her relationships, oh yes, and she still worries if some happinesses are too good to be true. Her heart still feels as if…

Like Father Like Daughter

I just wanted to forget about it for a while, But then I remembered that you don’t forget about things like that. You don’t forget about death, you don’t forget about the person death took from you. You try to repress it underneath all the daily shit life throws at you and then BAM! It…

Til Death Bring Us Together

It began with his death. You’d think that’s where it would end.. but that’s actually where it all started. His hands, which were cold when he was alive, felt warm as he laid there dead. His lips that used to be dry and she never wanted to kiss now looked like ripe strawberries. Somehow he…