Forgive me for what I have sinned.

Forgive me once:

You take my hand and swear you love me. Sometimes you don’t say it but I think I know. You open me up like a new book and read each page. You tell me to keep my head above the water, but how could I when you’re pushing me in it? You promise it won’t hurt even if I drown, and I believe you even though I know its time to run.

Forgive me twice:

You make me laugh and you make me cry and along the way I stop knowing which is which. But you caress my hair and suddenly I could listen to your lies forever. My heart tells me love shouldn’t be this difficult but I mistake the hurt for passion.

Forgive me thrice:

One day I look in the mirror and I don’t recognize my reflection anymore. A soulless body with its life drained out of it. Eyes with no spark, and a smile that’s forced.

Dear me,

Forgive me once, for I have betrayed you in the name of love.

Forgive me twice, for not believing you when you told me to run.

Forgive me thrice, for committing violence against you. For the violent thoughts, the violent feelings you had to go through. For the nights I made you ache in pain. Forgive me for denying you self love to give it to someone else.

Forgive me.. do you know how to?