Memories! Memories! Hopes and Dreams! 

Memories! Memories! Hopes and Dreams!

A bunch of random words that have been used more than they deserve and now we have collectively started to think they mean more than they actually do. But grief, we don’t use enough.

Grief /ɡriːf/ – noun

‘intense sorrow, especially caused by someone’s death.’
“she was overcome with grief”

Grieves of the past and hopes for the future are hidden in her smiling sadness. Every moment she experiences turns pale and wither like a flower stuck in the pages of her life. Then, she remembers colours, words, scents, feelings lacking onto the depths of her brain… As she remembers, she also recreates them. Again and again. Each time, they change a little more. Then she starts forgetting the truth and takes comfort in the things she remembers. Remembering makes her realize that her whole life has passed her by and there is only a weird, black hole left behind.

Then, she starts writing… to take place in others’ memories, to live there. Because words, unlike humans have stability. Words do not leave, words do not die, therefore you will never grieve over them.