Memories! Memories! Hopes and Dreams! 

Memories! Memories! Hopes and Dreams! A bunch of random words that have been used more than they deserve and now we have collectively started to think they mean more than they actually do. But grief, we don’t use enough. Grief /ɡriːf/ – noun ‘intense sorrow, especially caused by someone’s death.’ “she was overcome with grief”…

ከብዙ ምናልባቶች በአንደኛው…

ከብዙ ጊዜ በኋላ ገና ትናንት በህልሜ አየሁህ፡፡ ቅዠት ይሆን ህልም ያለየሁት ህልሜ እሱም ስለኔ ያልም ይሆን ብዬ እንዳስብ አደረገኝ፡፡ እናፍቅህ ይሆን? ከናፍቆቴ ብዛት እንቅልፍ አልወስድ እያለህ ተቸግረህ ይሆን? ስልክ ደውለህልኝ ከመጥራቱ በፊት ትዘጋው ይሆን? የእረፍት ቀንህ ላይ ስክር ብለህ አዲሷ ፍቅረኛህን በኔ ስም ትጠራት ይሆን? ለምን ስለሷ ታነሳለህ ብላ ትቆጣህ ይሆን? ወይስ እኔ አደርግ እንደነበረው…

ይበለኝ እንድትል ፍቅርአዲስ

“በርግጥ ገና እንዳሁኑ ሰው አፍ ውስጥ ሳልገባ ራሴ ደርሼበታለሁ፡፡ ሰው ለመቅረብ፣ ከቀረቡ በኃላ ተዝናንቶ ከአንጀት ለማውራት፣ ለመውደድ…ከዛ በላይ ደግሞ ሰውን ለማመን ረዥምምምምምምምምም ጊዜ ይወስድብኛል…. አውቃለሁ ጥሩ ነገር ነው:: ምክንያቱም የሆንኩትን ሁሉ ሆኜ ሳልማር ዛሬ ደርሶ ሰው አማኝ ብሆን አገር በኔ አይፈርድም? የሚነገረኝን ሁሉ በሁለት ሰንጥቄ ለቀናት ሳልመርምር ብቀር አያስኮንነኝም? ሰው ባናገረኝ ቁጥር የሚያቃጭል ውሸት ውሸት…

Smooth Hands and Unbecoming

‘I hope you understand why it took me a year and four months to let you in,’ she told him. ‘It’s just that I’ve come to learn what it means to love people deeply and lose them so suddenly. Life has taught me that I need to be cautious of sweet words and smooth hands…

The Series – Messages From A Soft Lover XIII

Last night I dreamt about you for the first time in a while. It made me wonder if you see me in your dreams too. Do you miss me? Do you miss me so much that you can’t sleep? Do you dial my number and hang up before it rings? Do you get drunk on…

The Series – Messages From A Soft Lover XII

He didn’t want a relationship and neither did I. “Emotions only lead to pain”, he says. “Yes, feelings are overrated”, I tell him. He wasn’t ready and neither was I. Wait! Do you get ready for feelings though? Is that how they work? Do you prepare yourself to catch feelings? Do you wake up in…

The Series – Messages From A Soft Lover XI

She remembers thinking that she would not remember what he looked like. His face was one of those you would forget after looking at it once. His smile was dull as if he was faking it. He had a regular name, a name you heard being called randomly on the road. Why did she give…

The Series – Messages From A Soft Lover X

  She thinks if they had met at a different time or place, or if they were both sane, or maybe lived in a different planet, they would have been perfect. Almost. She thinks, if they weren’t obsessed with how the future would turn out for them or if they weren’t worried about breaking each…

The Series – Messages From A Soft Lover IX

I sit here. I am making pieces on paper because the one’s in my heart do not have much hope of being put together. Someone told me once that, feelings and reality are not always the same thing. But what do you do when both are mixed and jungled up together you can no longer…

The Series – Messages From A Soft Lover VII

She wanted to ruin it all, and write about it. She wanted to write about leaving. About leaving him and giving it all up. She wanted to characterize it as an act of bravery; as an act of freedom. As if she’s doing both of them a favour, mostly her. She wanted to make a…